Yanssel Garcia

Email: yansselgarcia [at] unomaha [dot] edu

You can find a PDF of my CV here.


  • University of Rochester, PhD in Philosophy, 2021
  • University of Rochester, MA in Philosophy, 2020
  • Florida International University, BA in Philosophy, summa cum laude, Phi Beta Kappa, 2014

Research Interests

  • Areas of Specialization
    Philosophy of Mind, Metaphysics
  • Areas of Competence
    Ethics, Logic, Philosophy of Language

Academic Employment

  • Assistant Professor, Philosophy Department, University of Nebraska at Omaha (Fall 2021 - Present)
  • Adjunct, Philosophy Department, University of Nebraska at Omaha (Fall 2020 - Spring 2021)
  • Instructor, Philosophy Department, University of Rochester (Spring 2018)
  • Teaching Assistant, Philosophy Department, University of Rochester (2015 - 2020)
  • Tutor, Philosophy Department, Florida International University (2014 - 2015)
  • High School Teacher of Philosophy, Archimedean Upper Conservatory (Fall 2014)


"Against the Irreducibility of Subjects," Journal of Consciousness Studies (forthcoming)

"Endurantism, Presentism, and the Problem of Temporary Intrinsics," Analytic Philosophy (forthcoming)

Under Review

"Collapsing the Substance-Property Distinction," Southern Journal of Philosophy

In Preparation

  • "Quidditism and the Boundary Problem"
  • "The New Causal Exclusion Argument"
  • "The Causal Role of Psychedelic Experiences in Curing Addiction"
  • "Phenomenal and Microphenomenal Experience"


  • Invited Panelist
    • Sep 2023. Consciousness as Fundamental. Marist College.
  • "Endurantism, Presentism, and the Problem of Temporary Intrinsics"
    • Jul 2023. Space, Time, and Location. University of Adelaide.
    • Apr 2023. South Carolina Society for Philosophy. University of South Carolina, Beaufort.
    • Mar 2023. North Carolina Philosophical Society. Duke University.
  • "Collapsing the Substance-Property Distinction"
    • Apr 2022. Central States Philosophical Association. University of Nebraska at Lincoln.
    • Feb 2019. Arizona State University.
  • "Endurantism Does Not Entail Presentism"
    • Oct 2019. Central States Philosophical Association. Washington University at St. Louis.
  • Comments on "Hold On To Your Cat: Sameness, Identity, and Non-Eliminative Nihilism"
    • Feb 2019. Arizona State University.
  • Comments on "Epistemic Respect and Credibility Excess"
    • Sep 2018. University of Rochester.
  • "Supposition, Credence, and a Chance of Rain"
    • Apr 2017. Louisiana State University.

Teaching Experience

  • As an Instructor at the University of Nebraska at Omaha
    • Space, Time, and Reality (Fall 2022)
    • Philosophy of Mind (Spring 2022, Spring 2023)
    • Metaphysics (Fall 2021)
    • Philosophy of Mind (Spring 2021)
    • Introduction to Philosophy: The Meaning of Life (2020, 2021, 2022)
  • As an Instructor at the University of Rochester
    • Introduction to Logic (Spring 2018)
  • As a Teaching Assistant at the University of Rochester
    • Introduction to Philosophy (Spring 2020)
    • Contemporary Moral Problems (Fall 2019)
    • Medical Ethics (Spring 2019)
    • Reason and Argument (Fall 2018)
    • Reason and Argument (Fall 2017)
    • Introduction to Logic (Spring 2017)
    • Social and Political Philosophy (Fall 2016)
  • As a Guest Lecturer at the University of Rochester
    • Social and Political Philosophy (Fall 2016)
    • Philosophy of Mind (Spring 2017)
    • Introduction to Logic (Spring 2017)
  • As a Teacher at Archimedean Upper Conservatory High School
    • Logic and Semantics (2014-2015)
  • As a Tutor at Florida International University
    • Philosophy (2014-2015)

Awards and Honors

  • Essay Competition Winner, Is Consciousness Fundamental? (2023)
  • Provost Fellowship, University of Rochester (2015-2020)
  • Teaching Assistantship, University of Rochester (2015-2020)
  • Outstanding Teaching Assistant of the Year, University of Rochester (2017)
  • Outstanding Academic Achievement in Philosophy, Florida International University (2014)
  • Dean's List, Florida International University (Fall 2010-Spring 2014)
  • Florida Bright Futures Scholarship (Fall 2010-Spring 2014)


  • Panelist, AI Panel, University of Nebraska at Omaha (Upcoming January 18th, 2024)
  • Panelist, Next Gen Tech Pathways, University of Nebraska at Omaha (October 12th, 2023)
  • Co-Chair of Advertising and Promotion, Philosophy Department, University of Nebraska at Omaha (Spring 2022-Present)
  • Co-Chair of Web Development, Philosophy Department, University of Nebraska at Omaha (Spring 2022-Present)
  • Judge of Ethics Bowl, Philosophy Department, University of Nebraska at Omaha (Spring 2023)
  • Event Organizer for Brains, Minds, and Machines Speaker Series, Philosophy Department, University of Nebraska at Omaha
  • Judge of Ethics Bowl, Philosophy Department, University of Nebraska at Omaha (Spring 2022)
  • Graduate Student Representative, Philosophy Department, University of Rochester (Fall 2018-Spring 2019)
  • Event Organizer for University of Rochester Graduate Epistemology Conference (Fall 2018)

Graduate Coursework

  • Coursework in Philosophy of Mind and Metaphysics
    • Seminar, The Metaphysics of the Self, Paul Audi and Earl Conee
    • Reading Group on Endurantism, Paul Audi
    • Seminar, Intentionality, Jens Kipper
    • Reading Group on Philosophy of Mind, Earl Conee and Hayley Clatterbuck
    • Philosophy of Mind, Hayley Clatterbuck
    • Metaphysics, Paul Audi
    • Seminar, Metaphysics of Properties, Paul Audi and Alison Peterman
    • Seminar, Philosophy of Mind and its History, Hayley Clatterbuck and Alison Peterman
    • Reading Group on Panpsychism, Paul Audi
    • Reading Group on Properties, Paul Audi
    • Seminar, Selected Topics in Metaphysics of Time, Paul Audi
  • Coursework in Philosophy of Language and Logic
    • Reading Group on Concepts, Zeynep Soysal
    • Philosophy of Language, Brett Sherman
    • Logical Methods, Paul Audi
    • Seminar, Selected Topics in Philosophy of Language, Brett Sherman
    • Reading Group in Analyticity, Paul Audi and Brett Sherman
  • Coursework in Ethics
    • Seminar, Public Health Ethics, Richard Dees
    • Seminar, Foundations of Human Rights, William FitzPatrick
  • Other Courses
    • Selected Topics in Ancient Philosophy, Deborah Modrak
    • Philosophy of Science, Hayley Clatterbuck
    • Selected Topics in Modern Philosophy, Alison Peterman
    • Seminar, Theory of Knowledge, Earl Conee

Computer Programming

  • Languages
    • HTML, CSS, Javascript, PHP, SQL, XML, DITA
  • Certifications
    • Responsive Web Design
    • Javascript Algorithms and Data Structures